Hello! It's been awhile. Using this personal project as a way to refresh some old skills and try out some new ones. In hindsight a lot of the details on the shader might not be noticeable on such a small creature in a real time environment. However, it was still fun and could be easily transferrable to something much larger. Every step of the process from modeling to getting it into Unity was done by me. Here's some links I found useful for setting up some of the Unity side content.
Volumetric Ice Shader
Jiggle Physics Scripts
For one of the first parts of the shader, I wanted to have drool running from the mouth cavity. This applies the mask from earlier and with carefully layed out UV's to allow the drips to flow cleanly down the body. VFX graph used for the drip.
The bubble textures were used here to help simulate chunkier innards. see how they move differently based on the view direction. Ben Cloward on Youtube has a fantastic tutorial on this that I followed for this section of the graph.
Since jello has some crazy refractions, wanted to replicate that with this, and added a bit of a wobble on the output, was kept very subtle as too much would make it appear watery.
And last but not least, what jello mold isn't complete without some bounciness! Setup certain bones to have jiggle physics applied and would adjust their parameters at run time.